Bullet Book Summary: Roy Herbert Jarrett’s “It Works”

It Works is a book about how to apply the Law of Attraction to get anything you want in life.

Full Title:

“It Works: The Famous Little Red Book That Makes Your Dreams Come True”

About the Author:

● This book was originally published anonymously in 1926, with the author requesting that his name not be divulged. However, it was later determined that the author was actually Roy Herbert Jarrett, a Chicago salesman and advertising man who was known for his generosity and helpful spirit.
● Mr. Jarrett attributes his success in “mastering circumstances, accumulating wealth, and winning friends” to the system he describes in this book
● The author wanted to give back, so he has shared his system with the world in this short little book

Bullet Book Summary: Earl Nightingale’s “The Strangest Secret”

Bullet Book Summary Of the Strangest Secret By Earl Nightingale - A Simple Application Of the Law Of Attraction

Book Description:

● This book is really about the Law of Attraction, although the author doesn’t mention the Law of Attraction. The author, however, does mention that the Strangest Secret is based on a natural law that never fails, just like the law of gravity never fails.
● Implementing The Strangest Secret to create the life you want involves performing three simple steps:

o Step 1: Write down your goal and think about it in the morning when you get up, just before going to bed at night and several times during the day

o Step 2: Stop thinking about your fears regarding accomplishing your goal. Act as though it were impossible to fail.

o Step 3: Focus on providing superb service to others. “Success is in direct proportion to our service.”

● The author provides a 30-day plan to implement The Strangest Secret in your life